Door DesignsPanel TypeWood SpeciesSizing Options

Panel & Glass Doors

  1. All doors are made full and square as the standard.
  2. Hardwood edge accommodates beveling.
  3. Door warranty does not cover undersizing beyond hardwood edge.
  4. Doors are designed for interior use only.
  5. Derby and Preakness panels may be veneer or solid at mill option.
  6. All 12"- 16" wide doors with a lock rail will be full and square but designed like a bifold leaf with 2 1/8" stiles. Doors of these sizes without a lock rail will have 4 1 /16" stiles. This is our standard; however, customer may specify otherwise.
  7. Curved panel doors that are less than 24" wide will be designed like a bifold leaf, with a half-arch. When used in a double-door application, the two complementary half-arches of each door will create a complete arch.
  8. Grain direction on panels will vary by door design. The grain direction standard for a specific door design can be obtained by calling your supplier.
  9. Bifold doors will be undersized 1/4" per leaf in width and 1" per leaf in height.
  10. Drawings and illustrations shown on this web site are not to scale.
  11. Double the price of 24", 30", 32" and 36" assembled bifolds to get 48", 60", 64" and 72" assembled bifold pricing.
  12. A True Divided Lite door has individual glass pieces separated by muntins. All glass is tempered. Glass is wrapped in plastic for ease of finishing.
  13. Because tempered glass scratches easily, use care in removing plastic.
  14. Consider using a washcoat to create a more even appearance. 
  15. Please use special care when cleaning finish from glass. Tempered glass scratches easily and one of the best ways we have found to clean dried finish from glass is by using a 0000 steel wool and an ammonia based glass cleaner
  16. Cancellations or changes to orders must be received by Stallion within 48 hours of receipt the of original order.
  17. Shipping Information - lead times vary based on door style. Please contact your supplier for specifics.
  18. The see the effect of changing door heights on the panel and glass doors refer to the illustrations on the Sizing Options page.


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